Key Allergens

There are 2 species of mugwort described on the World Health Organization Allergen Database, Artemisia lavandulifolia also known as lavender leaf mugwort and Artemisia vulgaris also known as common mugwort.

There are 3 pollen allergens associated with lavender leaf mugwort included a lipid transfer protein, Art la 3 and Art la 2 which is PR-1 protein. Art la 1 is a Plant Defensin protein. These are peptides in the plant which help protect against fungal infections.

Common mugwort has 6 associated 2 allergens associated with mugwort tree pollen, they are all allergens associated with airways.

Art v 2 is a PR-1 protein, where PR indicates it is involved in plant defence (PR = Pathogenesis Related).

Art v 3 is a Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP), which can cause serious allergic reactions across multiple plants. Art v 4 is a profilin protein, these are panallergens and can cause allergies across multiple species of plants and foods.

Art v 5 is a polcalcin protein, which is a calcium binding protein commonly associated with pollen germination. These proteins are highly cross reactive.

Mugwort pollen occurs in the UK between June and September, peaking in July. This varies in different countries. It is considered to have low allergenicity unless in close proximity to a plant.

Associated Syndromes

An allergy to mugwort pollen is strongly associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis (hayfever).

Mugwort contains PR-1 proteins so is strongly linked to oral allergy symptoms and Celery Mugwort Spice Syndrome which is much like Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome, but instead of being sensitised by Bet v proteins which are PR-10 proteins this group of foods are all PR-1 linked foods.

A mugwort pollen allergy is also linked to asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic dermatitis.

Cross Reactivity

There is cross reactivity between the many species of wormwood and mugwort plants due to the PR-1 protein. This protein is also found in foods such as melon and peach.

Other plant pollens which contain polcalcin proteins are ragweed, alder, birch, timothy grass, lilac and olive. There is also a polcalcin protein in turnips which is associated with this allergy presenting itself as a food allergy.

Other plants containing profilin inhalant allergens are ragweed, wormwood, birch, sunflower, olive, plantain, poplar and oak. Profilins are also found as food allergens in kiwi, celery, peanut, chilli, watermelon, orange, hazelnut, melon, carrot, strawberry, soya, walnut, lychee, lupin, apple, cherry, almond, peach, pear, mustard, tomato and aubergine.

Other plants containing inhalant LTP allergens are wormwood, mugwort and plane. Foods containing LTP include kiwi, strawberry, sunflower, walnut, apple, mulberry, pea, apricot, cabbage, peanut, chestnut, celery, lemon tangerine, orange, lettuce, lentil, lupin, mustard, cherry, plum, almond, peach, pomegranate, raspberry, tomato and grape.

Defensin proteins are also found in ragweed, wormwood and soya pollen. They are also found as food allergens in celery, peanut and chestnuts.



Allergen Encyclopedia - Mugwort

DermNet NZ - Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome

Allergy UK - Allergic rhinitis

Worcester Pollen Forecast

Allergy UK - Managing your asthma and your allergic rhinitis throughout the seasons

Articles and Journals

IgE to cyclophilins in pollen allergic children: epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic relevance of a neglected panallergen, 2024

The use of inhibition assay in Api g 7 suspected allergy in a female patient with anaphylaxis: A case report, 2024

Comprehensive Study on Key Pollen Allergens, 2022

Within city spatiotemporal variation of pollen concentration in the city of Toronto, Canada, 2022

Mimotopes for Api g 5, a Relevant Cross-reactive Allergen, in the Celery-Mugwort-Birch-Spice Syndrome, 2016

Current Overview of Allergens of Plant Pathogenesis Related Protein Families, 2014

Concomitant sensitization to ragweed and mugwort pollen: who is who in clinical allergy? 2014

Peach allergy in China: A dominant role for mugwort pollen lipid transfer protein as a primary sensitizer, 2013

Panallergens and their impact on the allergic patient, 2010

Pollen-food syndromes associated with weed pollinosis: an update from the molecular point of view, 2006

Mustard allergy confirmed by double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges: clinical features and cross-reactivity with mugwort pollen and plant-derived foods, 2004

Hypersensitivity to mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) in patients with peach allergy is due to a common lipid transfer protein allergen and is often without clinical expression, 2002

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